The management team at Bury Physio Clinic remains open over the November lock down.
As per government recommendations, it is important that the public can maintain good physical and mental health from physiotherapy treatment and illness prevention through fitness and activity programmes and classes.

We continue to offer these services and appointments are available to book via telephone and online.
We continue to remain compliant with government and CSP guidelines for use of PPE equipment and cleaning provision in our clinic.
Classes: Pilates, Parkinson’s functional fitness and aerobic classes are available on zoom from Friday 6th November. We continue to adhere to our high safe practice standards and look forward to seeing you soon.
The Bury Physio Management Team
@eadt24 @suffolknews @eastern_daily_press @buryfree #weareopen #business #healthandwellbeing #rehabilitation #physiotherapy #pilates #covid #exercise #sportsmassagetherapy #buryphysio
….and has even trained other personal trainers regionally. He is passionate about addressing the physical, mental and nutritional health needs to achieve the best results possible, regardless of your age.