December 2020 Gym re-opening and clinic based Classes

From the recent government announcements we are looking to re open the gym and resume clinic based classes from Wednesday 2nd December and we look forward to seeing you all back in person!
Personal trainer Ben Durham will also be back from Wednesday 2nd December on a part time furlough basis that covers a 2 week Rota. This enables a mix of morning, afternoon and Saturday morning sessions that give a broader availability for sessions.
For Gym attendees: Gym workouts can be booked online now and via telephone ready for the 3rd December
(6 per booking as previous guidelines).
If you have borrowed any equipment, we kindly ask you return it for use in the gym.
If you would like any specific equipment for home use, we can source this for you if needed.
For Personal Training clients: Sessions with Ben are available to book from now either online or via telephone and admin will run through his timetable of availability.
Pilates Classes: **Amendment following Tier 2 announcement** 27/11/20
**All Clinic based Pilates and exercise classes will remain on zoom until we are classified in Tier 1**
For Wellness Workout class attendees: **Amendment following Tier 2 announcement** 27/11/20
**All Clinic based Pilates and exercise classes will remain on zoom until we are classified in Tier 1**
For Parkinson’s exercise class: **Amendment following Tier 2 announcement** 27/11/20
**All Clinic based Pilates and exercise classes will remain on zoom until we are classified in Tier 1**.
In addition to anyone not being able to make Personal training sessions or other exercise classes, there is scope to run these on Zoom if travel is tricky and you don’t want to miss out!